Relationship Intelligence Inventory Name* First Last Email* What do you hope to get out of the relationship coaching experience?How will you know if you have received this at the end of this experience and what would that look like?In which relationships do you find your greatest struggles (check all that apply): Spouse Girlfriend Boyfriend Parents Children Boss Employees Strangers Business Partner Do you feel hindered by any of these behaviors? (check all that apply): Procrastination Perfectionism Complaining Low motivation Stonewalling Revenge Ghosting Nagging Sarcasm What would you notice if you were free from these behaviors?Do you feel hindered by any of these emotions? (check all that apply): Anger Rage Guilt Shame Numbness Anxiousness Critical Disappointment Unforgiveness Overwhelmed Grief Sorrow Bitterness Do you struggle with any of these statements? Relate this to your spouse or, if you are not married consider in relationship to those that you are nearest to (Check all that apply): I fear my partner will stop loving me. My fear is that I won’t be liked once people know who I am. I feel I am incomplete, and because of it I feel I unable to connect. I don’t know how to connect emotionally when my partner needs me. I am constantly in the fear of losing my partner. I feel loved when there is a romantic connection. The need to be independent is important to me. The idea of vulnerability invokes feelings of shame. I struggle with trust. I obsessively think about my relationships. I find it difficult to express my needs and wants to my partner. I constantly find myself in anger. I am sensitive to others moods. I fear being abandoned by my partner. It makes me nervous when my spouse gets too close. During conflict I tend to impulsively say things I later regret. I worry I am not confident enough. I miss my partner when we are apart, but when we are together I feel the need to escape. When I disagree with someone I feel comfortable expressing my opinions. I hate feeling other people depend on me. Finish these sentences. Do not over think this exercise. Answer from the first thoughts that come to mind. The goal is for you to observe your thinking.Though it may not be true, I feel like my spouse thinks I am… Though it may not be true, I feel like my boss thinks I am… I am disappointed… The people who know me best are… I feel celebrated when… I show up well in my relationships when I… It is helpful for you to think about what victory looks like or might look like for you. What will have changed in your life? (Check all that apply) I will feel safe in my relationships. I will feel heard. My words matter. My voice is important. I am creative. My heart is soft. I see potential in my spouse. I feel free to be my authentic self. I am more patient. I am able to communicate clearly and calmly during conflict. I am able to recover quickly after conflict. I am able to counter assumptions with truth and maintain inner rest. I am able to be quick to listen. I am no longer powerless to my emotions. I am able to challenge my old trigger responses and react differently. I can more easily chose to be grateful. My thoughts are less negative. I procrastinate less. I am willing to try new things. My inner dialogue is more gracious. How can our intercessors be praying for you during the Relationship Intelligence group coaching experience?It is our prayer for you that Jesus would encounter you in every way possible. May His peace be released over your mind, body, spirit and every relationship your walking in! We pray you are granted wisdom and understanding in the way that only Jesus Christ can impart. We pray that strong foundations would be established and anchored to your truth. Jesus we ask for healing. May restoration take over and bring new levels of fulfillment and contentment. We are grateful for the this journey together, and we look forward to you, Jesus, showing up in unexpected ways!EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.