Christmas 2023

As we step into the new year, it is my prayer this year be filled with an abundance of joy, love, peace, and prosperity.
May your relationships be enriched with kindness, forgiveness, and understanding to experience deep connections.
Prayer for 2024
Prayer Is 43:18-19
1. New Things
2. Road in the Wilderness
3. Rivers through the Desert
Result: Abundance in all! Prayer of increase of faith and favor.
Merry Christmas Precious Friends!

I can’t believe that 2023 is coming to an end already. Ravi and I are so thankful for this season of life that we are in. It is very full in both ministry and family. We have so much to be thankful for. The Lord has been so good to us, so faithful and kind. I have found myself in this Christmas season remembering His goodness to our family through out the years. I have been undone with how He healed our son Aadhi two years ago from a rare disease that caused encephalitis. It still feels so fresh in many ways, but oh the goodness of God that brought us through with miracles and grace! I know each of you have your own personal stories of how Jesus met you and carried you through painful and difficult times. I encourage you to take time to remember and thank Him for being so tangible in your life. Perhaps even now you find yourself in a hard place, wondering how you will come through. Remember His faithfulness to you through out the years and take heart He is with you and He will make a way. He is the Shepherd of your soul and you can trust His leadership in your life.

I often find myself in awe of the story He has given me. In my wildest dreams I would have never imagined that I would be a mother to eleven beautiful children. My oldest seven have enriched and blessed my life in ways that are difficult to articulate in words. Though not born of my womb, the Lord has given Ravi and I such a precious bond with each one of them. They are my heart!
We Welcome Josh !

Our older ones have been very busy expanding our family with spouses and grandchildren. Last January our daughter Shravanthi married Joshua and they are doing very well.
We Welcome Baby Brian !
In September Ravi and I traveled to India to welcome our second grandchild, Brian Dhevan, born to our son Praveen and DIL Marina. What an honor to be there to welcome him! As I write, Ravi is in flight on his way to India for the wedding of our eldest daughter Anbu! We are excited to welcome Shashi to the Kandal tribe.

And the Very Newest, Shashi!
As I write, Ravi is in flight on his way to India for the wedding of our eldest daughter Anbu! We are excited to welcome Shashi to the Kandal tribe. (Since writing, we had a wedding

Our younger bunch are also doing well and keeping us busy. Our daughter Nilaya has had some rough years because of health issues. It’s been really incredible to watch her rise above and seek Jesus in the midst of it. About three months ago we started to notice that she was feeling more energy and less pain in her body. So so thankful for these changes! Would love your prayer for complete healing to her body. A month ago she asked to be baptized and I can’t express the joy of watching my beautiful girl profess Jesus.

Our son Arya turned 13 in August and is for sure a teenager now! He is such an incredible young man. He stared in a theater performance last year and will be starting once again in part two of last years play. He is super excited. He loves all things air soft, fishing and gaming. Would you pray with us for Arya that in these teenage years he would continue to seek Jesus and grow into a young man who walks in purity and integrity?

Dhevan our 10 year old is about to be a middle schooler next year. I can’t hardly believe it! He is loving sports and keeps very busy with practice and games. He is such a little leader amongst his friends and schoolmates. School has not been easy for Dhevan because he has severe dyslexia, but that doesn’t stop him from doing his best and giving his all in learning. We are so proud of him! Would you pray with us that the Lord would meet Dhevan in his struggle with reading and writing? Pray that there would be a shift and that he would take off in his reading.

Aadhi Zachariah, the baby of the family. He is such a champion. He has fought through so much and because of the Lord’s great kindness is doing amazing. He is 8 years old and doesn’t skip a beat. He loves creating all kinds of things. He is my “old soul”. He thinks deeply and has such a tender heart for others.

Thank you precious friends for your incredible support through prayer and love and finance. Ravi and I are honored that you walk with us. What a blessing you are to us! We love you.
Radical Believers Chapel
January 16 will be our one year anniversary for the church. We celebrate His faithfulness and enjoyed our first baptism.