Convictions That Heal
8 Meditations That Heal Dissatisfaction and Create Fearlessness

The Power of Fear, Worship and Trust to Create Fearlessness
“You shall not fear other gods, nor bow down to them nor sacrifice to them; but the Lord, who brought you up from the land of Egypt with great power and outstretched arm, Him shall you fear, Him you shall worship, and to Him you shall offer sacrifice.
- 3 Discipleship Teachings
- 8 Journal Prompts and Walking Meditations to be used at your own pace. (8x's per day for 8 days, or 8 weeks)
Follow journal prompts to get your mind thinking and forming language around convictions.
Take a 20 minute walk daily. Begin your walk with 10 minutes of worship. Read your conviction and the accompanying scripture aloud. Pray the conviction back to the Lord as you walk for the remaining 10 minutes.
Remember through the day
Write down any revelation you received during your walk. Remind yourself of the conviction you are building 3-5 times during the day.
Discipleship training
Certainty - Healing the Power to Choose
Conviction - My choices express my true self. I have the power to choose. Frustration - I feel prevented from making choices with regard to the way I do things. I feel like my hands are tied.
Competence - Healing the Willingness to Start and Finish
The power to choose to live in the presence and authority of Jesus. It’s in recognizing the power to choose where we engage His authority and gain the power to bring impact. In teaching 2, we are going after competence. I am able to go after and complete difficult things. In the area of family, this might look like engaging in confrontation because the relationship, person and skills learned are worth the difficulty of mucking through conflict. Trust in God, ourselves and others is built when we tackle difficult things. If we are not tackling difficult things, we are not reinforcing trust, we are reinforcing unbelief.
Competence - Healing the Power of Presence
No one trusts me. I'm misunderstood. I can't share my true self in this relationship. Unfortunately, these three statements are common and keep us from experiencing vibrant relationship. If you are following along with me, you have the first two pieces of the 3Cs of Conviction: Certainty and Competence. In teaching 3, we are going after Connection. The belief of connection is, "I feel close and connected to people who are important to me. My true heart is seen and known." Let's see what revelation Jesus will give us about living in union and authority.
Choose your pace
Get Started:
The 8 Meditations can be used on a fast or slow track. The most effective option is the track you will finish. If you lose focus or get bored quickly, the fast track might be your best option. If you like to savor and dig deep, the slow track will give you all the time you desire. The key is consistency and repetition. Consistency and repetition transforms belief into conviction.
Fast Track: 8 Days, x3 Journal, walk and remember each conviction for one day. At the end of all 8 meditations, repeat until you see breakthrough. I suggest starting with 3 cycles. Slow Track: 8 Weeks Spend 7 days on each conviction. Journal on day one and walk/remember every day.
Choose your track
Take a 20 minute walk daily. Begin your walk with 10 minutes of worship. Read your conviction and the accompanying scripture aloud. Pray the conviction back to the Lord as you walk for the remaining 10 minutes.
After your walk, write down any revelation you received during your walk. Remind yourself of the conviction you are building 3-5 times during the day.
Put your mind to explaining each conviction in your own words. Talk it out and dwell on the meaning captured in the words.
Each meditation includes a journal prompt. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes and write. I’m sure you will be surprised at what comes up. Do this once for each meditation. Repeat if desired.
- Walk
- Remember
- Understand
- Journal
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To my complete surprise, after our introduction, Ravi said to me, “Do you know what your purpose is?” And he proceeded to tell me what the Lord had shown him. Amazing! “
Mark Kretzschmar