Project Dignity

Restoring honor to the widows in India through entrepreneurship. 

We are renovators, working to restore honor.  Whether that be with RT4 or any other project we put our hands to we are work establish honor.

In the case of this Giving back honor and dignity:

spiritually, emotionally, psychologically.

Providing employment and business opportunity to widows in India through cow milk production.

… co-creating with God to rebuild and restore “the places long devastated…your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in,” (Isaiah 58:12).

We Are Meeting Various Needs

Broken Social Identity

During the funeral, the wife’s bangles are smashed, the dot on her forehead, the “bindi”, is removed, and her colorful clothing is exchanged for white only. Every symbol identifying her as a married woman, connected in her society is destroyed. She is now untouchable.


Already vulnerable, widows are often fired by employers who do not want the curse on their business. Additionally, half-widows, desperate for their husbands to return, spend the limited funds they have on blessings from spiritual masters, religious mendicants, and holy men, to find relief and peace.

Psychological Health

Widows and half-widows experience depression, phobia, emotional instability, considering themselves worthless.

Physical Health & Safety

Because they lack social value, they are physically vulnerable to threats, extortion, manipulation, sexual molestation and rape.

How It Works

With your financial partnership we can not only help transform women’s lives, but also impact and transform a culture.


Ravi & Julie Kandal This project serves along side the vision of Kingdom Foundations to make freedom achievable.

Our Gift to You

In thanks to any donation of $500 or more you will be receiving a free enrollment course.

Thanks in advance for your contribution!